Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Studies: Electrical and
Computer Engineer at AUTH
Job: Java Engineer at DataScouting
(since November 2019)
Interests: Films, Cycling & Hiking, Music
Git: Gitea,
Other: I have been a member, moderator and webslave (sys-admin) of the online, student-driven forum
community thmmy.gr for many
years. It's quite possible that you have found this website from my profile there. If so, check out below.
Notable projects
âž¡ Concordia
March 2018 - April 2022 (latest commit in March 2022)
Concordia is a distributed forum platform that uses Blockchain and a decentralized database. It also supports direct democratic votings. It's an open source project that I co-created as part of my thesis.
âž¡ mThmmy
October 2016 - Present (latest commit in Jun 2019)
mTHMMY is a mobile application for the thmmy.gr student community. It's a development project that I co-founded, with the mission to make the thmmy forum mobile friendly and help revive its community.
Other stuff I've done
If you are also a student in THMMY who came here looking for solutions to past assignments of university courses, you can find everything in my separate ece-auth Gitlab group. Beware of plagiarism though.